Welcome to the ChartRoom

Welcome to the ChartRoom

Welcome to the first edition of our newsletter which I am currently calling “The ChartRoom”. The name is a work in progress, so feel free to send me suggestions if you have other ideas.

I want to write about topics that interest you just as much as I want to write about things that I like. If you have travel related suggestions please let me know. I will see what I can do.

My original plans for topics for this week have been put on hold. As IO am writing this, parts of the Caribbean and most of Florida are closely watching Hurricane Dorian. While I am no expert, I wanted to give a little advice to stay safe when mother nature gets grumpy.

The most important thing is to prepare in advance. Don’t wait until the storm is at your backyard. Listen to the authorities. If they tell you to leave – GO! Ignoring their orders not only risks the safety of you and your family, you will also be putting the rescue workers at risk when they come to get you.

Grab important documents. Better yet, upload them to a secure storage area in the cloud so that they are always easily accessible. Probably too late for this storm, but it is not too late to start backing up your documents.

Try to meet up with other people. While it is scary to have to leave home, having friends and family around can make it much less stressful. Yes I know being around your family will bring a different kind of stress 🙂

If you are facing Dorian or any other storm plan ahead and stay safe.

I’ll be back in two weeks. Hopefully the storm will have turned out to sea and we will all have prepped for nothing. Come back so we can have more fun and actually have a newsletter that relates to travel.

Keep Charting Memories


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